A piece of lettuce stuck in your throat.
First, try to cough forcefully to dislodge the fish bone. If that doesn't work, swallow a piece of banana or a spoonful of peanut butter to help push the fish bone down. If the bone remains stuck or causes severe pain, seek medical attention immediately.
Stuck in My Throat was created on 2003-11-10.
how to get popcorn husk out of throught GARGLE WITH H202. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION
Take him to the vet, he could have a piece of bone stuck in his throat. 28emm said: That happened to my dog awhile ago! phone the vet straight away! (also look down the dogs throat and it might be irritating the throat if it is stuck in the dogs teeth!) :P
Still Stuck in Your Throat was created in 2005-10.
well I pulled and pulled and it snapped today
Toothpick in my dogs throat
it's when your mum's brain gets stuck in your throat
You should take him to your vet if its really far down in his throat because chances are you will scare him and he may bite you! Unless you can see the piece of rawhide then someone can help you keep his mouth open while you remove it, but be careful not to scare him and get bitten. Good luck!!
No, but you should see a doctor. Any piece of food that is lodged in an area of your body is not natural and should be taken care of ASAP.