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Q: What are some edible fruits commonly regarded as fruits?
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Is palm tree fruit edible?

Yes some fruits are edible e.g. The coconut, the date.

Do shrubs grow fruits?

Yes, some shrubs grow fruits. For example Redcurrant and Blackcurrant are shrubs that grow 1m to 1.30m tall and produce edible fruits. Ornamental shrubs such as Rhododendrons produce wonderful flowers. After some time, the flowers transform into fruits capsules, but those are not edible.

What are some edible plants in the desert?

In the deserts of the American Southwest, seed pods from the mesquite tree/bush are edible as well as the fruits and tender new pads of the prickly pear cactus.

Are queen palm fruits edible?

Queen palm or Cocus palm fruits are technically edible when ripe. The green fruits are neurotoxic to wild animals. The fruits are made into jam in some South American countries. The fruit is sweet but very fibrous. Not a lot of flesh on them. Great for feeding parrot type birds and small children : )

What is the uses of chiku plant?

Chiku plant produces edible fruits. There are some medicinal uses also of this plant.

Is the fruit of the Ylang Ylang tree edible?

No yes... Unlike some Annonaceae, Ylang-Ylang fruits are not used in foods; however they are quite edible and have the tart but pleasant aroma of a conifer or juniper.

What is edible carving?

some foods can't be eaten and are only used for decorations therefore they are called unedible. whereas edible foods are most commonly referred to decorations that are eatable.

Why can't all flowering plants bear fruit?

Plants have evolved in different ways. All plants bear 'fruits' or seeds. Some of these are edible, some not.

What are you eating when you eat the food from plants?

When you are eating plants, you are eating the sugars that the plant created from sunlight. Some plants have edible leaves, other have edible stalks or roots. Others create fruits for us to eat.

Are Russian olive tree thorns poisonous?

I noticed my dog was eating fruits from what turned out to be a Russian olive tree. I took some photos and sent them to an instructor who teaches toxicity at a veterinary school. She said they are not toxic (she also identified the tree for me). I also found a place online where it said that the fruits are not toxic to humans or animals (including livestock and the such), and I found that birds commonly eat the fruits (further suggesting they are edible). Overall, I'm not worried about my dog eating the fruits.

What are some fruits in China?

Some fruits commonly found in China include lychee, dragon fruit, citrus fruits like mandarin oranges and pomelos, and persimmons.

What are vegetables?

Vegetables (veggies) are a class of edible plants used as food, either eaten raw or cooked. They may be used to include some fruits, or may be a culinary class separate from fruits.