Pepper spray
Ylang-ylang is a lovely perfume oil. It can be used alone or in combination with black pepper, citrus oils, rose and sandalwood. Caution should be used as an excess of the oil can cause or contribute to headaches.
Pepper plants should never be trimmed. Allow them to grow as much as they want.
The dick hole is the worst spot to be sprayed at. IF that happens try to suck it out.
Yes; pepper has no sodium content.
I should hope not! I do not believe that Dr. Pepper has cheese in it. You should check the label on the can to find out for yourself!
One teaspoon of black pepper weighs approximately two to three grams depending on how much is placed in the spoon. Depending on the recipe, you should decide how many spoons of black pepper you wish to use in the cooking.Half an ounce
Vibrations should make the lighter pepper rise to the top.
Pepper enclosureYes indeed a pepper is a seed enclosure because the seeds in a pepper are closed in by the outside of the pepper.
There is not any evidence that states pepper cannot be taken when using antibiotics. Pepper is often used to cure sinus infections.
First, you take yoyr dog's eye out and lick the pepper off. Then, ALL DONE!