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Goldfish are really pond fish. They need plenty of room to swim and grow in. A goldfish will never do well in a bowl. All fish need at least 1 gallon of water per 1 inch of fish. This water needs to be filtered properly and kept clean. It also needs to be changed regularly. Goldfish are omnivorous so they need some protein in their diet in addition to the stuff sold as goldfish food in pet shops. Feed them at least morning and evening. Never ever let food go rotten in the water. The main thing to remember is that water to a fish is the same as air is to us. If it is bad or dirty it will make us/them sick. If it is really bad or dirty it will kill us/them. So look after their water conditions and they should be OK provided they get properly fed.

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14y ago

You may want to try looking on wikihow, how to take care of a goldfish is probably on there, you could also type in what questions you have about goldfish here on wikianswers

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How do you know when the goldfish lays egs?

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Yes, goldfish are living things too.

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the answer is nothing ok

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I don't know except do not put goldfish in the same tank as anything else the other thing will die. I know from experience. :*(

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it is important so that u know alot of things

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no never put suckerfish with goldfish as they will suck the slimes and scales off the goldfish and kill them. as for shrimp, i dont know???

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Important things to know are how much you are being charged and the amount you can expect. Also, you may want to know how long the payments will last and if they are taxable.

What does a mind like a goldfish mean?

This means that you cant remember things. As goldfish can not retain anything fo more then 3 seconds

How do you know when a goldfish is about to have babies?

Goldfish spawn in groups in springtime when the water temperature approaches 70F. They do not have live babies.