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organic foods are naturally grown and genetically modified are grown using special chemicals and such

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Elizabeth Roberts

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2y ago
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14y ago

If a food product is labeled 100% organic and is labeled with and USDA Organic seal, it must be completely free of genetically modified products by government regulations. On the other hand, foods that are labeled "Made with Organic Ingredients" or simply "Organic" are not as tightly regulated and can contain GMOs. To be sure your food is GMO-free, buy USDA certified 100% organic food.

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9y ago

Genetically modified food is trangenic and takes a gene from one organism and forces it into another organism (example: bacteria gene into corn or soy). At this time, it is used to produce a trait that makes the crop resistant to herbicides or to produce an insecticide in the plant itself. The technology is relatively new.

Organic is a way of growing food that does not use GMO seeds or synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Foods have been grown organically for centuries, long before synthetic fertilizers and pesticides were developed. GMO foods have been grown commercially since 1996.

GMO foods may contain pesticide residues, artificial ingredients, etc. Organic foods do not. Pesticides used on GMO crops harm soil and pollutes the environment. Growing foods organically improves soil and does not pollute the environment. GMO foods may not be healthy, but organically grown foods are healthy. In fact, they may actually be more nutritious than other foods due to nutrients and micronutrients being available in the soil.

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10y ago

No, truly organic food cannot be GMO. GMOs could be grown using organic practices, but since they are most often modified to be resistant to herbicides or to produce an insecticide in the plant itself, it would defeat the whole purpose of modifying it in the first place.

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12y ago

Genetically modified (GM) food is food from any plant or animal that has had DNA or other biological differentiation modified through either inserting, splicing, removing or otherwise directly altering the DNA of the original species.

There is a difference between GM food and hybrid food: A farmer can mate two different animals or plants that either possess or do not possess an attribute he is looking for, or looking to eliminate. Selective Breeding is not a GM discipline because no modifications are made directly to the original species.

GM food may be dangerous because an organism adapts to the environment over time and generations. This process is not easilly predictable. Modification of plant DNA may have unintended impact on other attributes of the plant. Some people are concerned that may not be known how GM-altered food is processed/digested/utilized by mammals or insects. Altering organic matter may also change it's natural ability to adapt or reproduce.

GM companies have exploited their ability to produce sterile plants to ensure farmers buy fresh seed from GM companies from year-to-year, instead of relying on seeds from the farmer's crops. This has caused a major weakness in overall food security as well as increased food costs.

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9y ago

Some say it is necessary and others say it is not. What is often not talked about much is that conventional breeding (non-transgenic, but within species) has resulted in better plants with more nutrition when to date (August 2014) the only possible improvement to nutrition is still being tested in golden rice. The majority of GMO foods have been modified to resist herbicides or to produce an insecticide within the plant itself, both of which may have harmful health effects to animals and humans.

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14y ago

If it is genetically modified then it is not an organic food. Organic food is naturally grown.

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11y ago

organic foods are naturally grown and genetically modified are grown using special chemicals and such

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Q: Can organic food be genetically modified?
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Is a pear apple organic or a gm food?

They are genetically modified.

Does genetically modified food grow more bacteria than organic food?

yes. but not true always this again depend upon how is this food modified genetealy

Choose a type of genetically modified food?

Sadly, almost all the food out there is genetically modified(gm). You can find more natural foods by purchasing organic or all natural products, but they are not guaranteed to be gm free.

Are grape tomatoes organic or natural or a genetically modified food?

Grape tomatoes are not known to have been genetically modified. Grape tomatoes may or may not be organic, depending on how they are grown. If they are grown using organic methods, they are organic. Natural when referring to food has not been defined. In the sense that grapes are grown in the soil, they are natural, but this does mean that they are organic or actually, anything else. Natural is a term that is used to sell products.

Why do you need genetically modified food?

There is a lot of talk about how genetically modified food is needed, but no real evidence that it is needed.

What is organic textiles?

organic Cotton is grown without using pesticides from plants which are not genetically modified

What can happen if you eat food that's not been genetically modified?

death. Nothing, food that hasn't been genetically modified is natural food. The kind of food people have been eating for thousands of years. Something is more likely to happen to you if you eat genetically modified food.

Why genetically modified food is required?

It isn't.

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How different between normal chicken and Gm chicken?

By GM, you probably mean genetically modified. That means the chicken's DNA has been modified to make it "better". A typical improvement is faster than average growth rate. The normal chicken has not been genetically modified. Organic chickens are not only not genetically modified themselves, but are fed food that has not been genetically modified either. These are considered the healthiest, but are also the most expensive. The GM has nothing to do with General Motors.

How was genetically modified food created?

Genetically modified food is created in a lab by removing a gene from one organism and forcing it into an organism of a different species.

Are organic foods geneticly modified?

Organically grown foods are not (trans)genetically modified, meaning they are not what is considered GMOs.