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Giving out candy is a US thing that other countries may do. Giving out candy is a symbol of showing how sweet something can be in the darkest light.

Also that when people give out candy its from there heart

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Q: Why do people give candy out on halloween?
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Why do we give out candy?

We give out candy on Halloween. Because its a traditional. Thing

Can you trick or treat a day after Halloween?

Yes! Of course! If you do it in a group, most people will give you candy. A majority of people will have leftover candy!

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Is there a lot of interest in halloween goody bags?

Some people are interested in Halloween goody bags. Some people give these bags out at parties while others give them to each child that asks for candy.

Why is it custom to eat candy on Halloween?

Because when people and kids go trick or treating, they go to someones house, and the people had to give out something, so they ended giving out candy, and what else to do with candy besides eating it?

Is it ok to give out candy on Halloween?

Yes, it is perfactly fine.

Why is Halloween canceled?

No, you can't cancel Halloween. Get out and go beg people for candy already! ;)

What do people in Peru do for Halloween?

Kids wear costumes and ask for candy in their neighborhoods. The main difference is that instead of saying "trick or treat" when asking for candy they say "Halloween, Halloween."

Why do you people give out treats on Halloween?

I think its because its fun for people. But if you want to hear the "My Opinion" from me. I think its really because some people started giving away candy so it started passing down to people so then now, most people give out candy now! ;{)

Are candy bracelets fine to give out during Halloween?

Candy bracelets are good "treats" to pass out, however, I would only give out the package or wrapped type of candy bracelet.

Can you give me a sentence for the word handful?

I bought a handful of candy for Halloween this year.

How is Halloween celabraited in the US?

People dress up in costumes, go trick or treating, give out candy, decorate our houses, and go to parties. Some people in the U.S. don't celebrate Halloween though, for religious reasons.