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Shrove Tuesday is known as Pancake Day in England and some other countries. It is the last Tuesday before Lent.

Shrovetide was also a period of dietary license, and foods forbidden in Lent were consumed in abundance. Eggs and milk were at one time forbidden in Lent and therefore any supplies had to be used up before Ash Wednesday. On Shrove Monday, in parts of England, meat and eggs were eaten, or gifts of pancakes, flour, eggs, or money to provide Shrove Tuesday fare were collected by children or adults. Mardi Gras is also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday. It is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

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15y ago
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13y ago

We eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday because long ago when eggs, flour and milk were luxuries they invented ways to get rid of those ingredients so they could fast over the 40 days so people decided to make pancakes. That's why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. According to Catholics that is.....

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13y ago

Because the time after Shrove Tuesday is Lent and traditionally the families would use up all of the nice things in their cupboards and make pancakes. They used up all the nice stuff in their cupboards so that they could fast during Lent.

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14y ago

Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent. It is traditional on this day to eat pancakes.

Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge yourself, and to use up the foods that aren't allowed in Lent.

Pancakes are eaten on this day because they contain fat, butter and eggs which were forbidden during Lent.

Shrove Tuesday is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday and is therefore the final day before the commencement of Lent, a Christian festival leading up to Easter Sunday (Easter Day).

Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and falls between 3 February and 9 March.

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11y ago

Pancakes are traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras, Carnival) as a way to use up the foods that should be refrained from during Lent. Like sugar, eggs and milk.

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15y ago

Because their delicioss and they make people as fat as you!

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13y ago

well tecnically you dont have to have a pancake day...its something you could do for funn...

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Shrove Tuesday is Pancake day.

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What do people eat on Shrove Tuesday?


What do you do on shrove Tuesday?

Well, on Shrove Tuesday (Also known as Pancake Day), I normally eat pancakes.

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Do you have pancakes on Ash Wednesday?

No, it's the day before (Shrove Tuesday).

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he was very hungry so he ate sum pancakes and a kitkat. he called it shrove Tuesday because he didnt know wht to call it. answered by Jacob

What does shrove Tuesday have to do with pancakes?

In European countries like England Shrove Tuesday has major importance. Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day because it has been a tradition that has been followed to eat rich foodslike pancakes. Before engaging in Lenten practises, they prepare themselves by conducting such festivities. On this special day, they serve foods which contain sugar, eggs, butter all of which are ingredients discouraged during a time of fasting such as Lent. Hope this helps.

Why is pancake day called that?

Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Tuesday, Pancake Day, Mardi Gras, and Fat Tuesday) is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.Shrove Tuesday is linked to Easter, so its date changes on an annual basis as does the calendar date of Easter.The word shrove is the past tense of the English verb shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of Confession and doing penance. Thus Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the custom for Christians to be "shriven" before the start of Lent.In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, Shrove Tuesday is commonly known as "Pancake Day" or "Pancake Tuesday" due to the tradition of eating pancakes on the day. Pancakes became the food of choice so that rich ingredients such as eggs, milk, and sugar could be used up before the start of the lenten fast (Lent) and fasting begins.Fasting is the practice of abstaining from eating food for the purpose of prayer, and seeking the will of God.