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Ask yourself thsese questions:

Do you find social situations confusing?

Do you find it hard to make small talk?

Do you tend to turn any conversation back onto yourself or my own topic of interest?

Are you good at picking up details and facts?

Do you find it hard to work out what other people are thinking and feeling?

Can you focus on certain things for very long periods?

Do people often say that you were rude even when this was unintentional?

Do you have unusually strong, narrow interests?

Do you do certain things in a very inflexible, repetitive way?

Have you always had difficulty making friends?

If you answered "Yes" to most of these questions, then that is probably why. Thsese are all signs of Autism.

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Q: Why does my mom think I have autism?
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Why do people with autism think like animals?

Autistic people do not think like animals. It is offensive to suggest that Autistic people (not 'people with autism') think like animals, we think like people because we are people.

Can children with severe autism have average or above average intellig?

I don´t know about severe autism but there are students at my university who are very very intelligent who have autism. I think the main hurdle in autism is the problem with social interaction which can hinder learning.

Do people with autism think of killing themselves?

Not necessaily. The suicide rates in Japan are extremely high at the moment, which has nothing to do with autism at all.

Is mercury the cause of autism?

some people think that is but there not sure

Do Jehovah's Witnesses think autism is product of evil parents?

No, they do not believe that.

If a draft is reinstated will people with autism have to join too?

I don't think so?

Is Special Education the best choice for children with autism spectrum disorders?

I think it is.

What qualifications would someone need to teach children with autism?

In would think that first you should have a degree in psychology, then a certificate in Autism, this would give an individual enough knowledge about the brain and how it works. Autism relate to the function of the brain, but the practical aspect of autism is to understand and help the childdaily function. By Charles Oxley

What does ASD mean in special education?

It may stand for multiple things - the most likely is probably Autism Spectrum Disorder - A group of disorders related to what we traditionally think of as Autism.

Does Brian Lehrer of WNYC talk radio have a son with autism?

No, but I think Leonard Lopate does.

Where does melinda live?

i think my mom lives in Cuba.

Why cant autism be cured?

Autism isn't a disease, it is a difference in how the brain works - to cure autism would mean changing a persons brain so that they think differently, experience the world differently, and they would essentially no longer be themselves.