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Yes it is in fact acid raining from the sky which means it would not really kill them it could. It would also damage them.

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Q: Would acid rain kill fish in a lake?
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1.acid rain is another bad effects if burning of fossil. fuels by man acid rain. 2. acid rain is can kill plants. 3. If it falls in to lake it can kill fish. 4. It can damage materials made in bricks metal or stone. 5. when sulfur dioxide combined with drops of water in the acid rain informed..

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acid rain is the cause of the death of fresh water fish not to mention all the other life in a lake.

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people who wanted to fish or look at the lake

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The number of big fish would increase because of the amount of food that was just put into the lake, and now the big fish has lots more food.

Where would a fish be at in the lake at mid day?

Fish are usually at the bottom of a lake in the middle of the day. Some swin up to the top to get food.

The town wants to build a sewage treatment plant that will discharge into a large stream that feeds into your fishing lake how will this impact your fishing business?

well yes it may do depending what is in the sewage it may kill alot of fish it may spread a diasies that may kill alot of fish in the lake.

Would a fish survive in a lake that has a low pH?


What happens when you kill the lake Pokemon?

In platinum it would be better not to kill mesprit uxie and azelf, it would be better to catch them.

Which great lake has the most fish?

Lake Erie is the lake with the highest fish population

Why is fish lake called fish lake?

it has a lot of fishes

Would a fish be healthy in the lake that has a low pH?

absoulutley not the fish would die soon after you put it in and it might die that day.