Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark. The 1880 Morgan is a very common date coin. Average retail values for circulated coins are $33.00-$40.00 depending on the actual grade. Coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelery or have been cleaned have far less value to a collector or dealer.
>>> Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1889 Morgan dollar is considered common. For an accurate assessment of value the coin needs to be seen and graded. Most coins of this type have seen heavy use and show a lot of wear. In general retail values as of 9-4-11 for circulated coins are $38.00-$40.00 for low grade, better grade are $41.00-$42.00 and coins showing almost no wear run from $43.00-$44.00. Values are a market average and only for coins in collectible condition, coins that are bent, corroded, scratched, used as jewelry or have been cleaned have far less value if any to a collector or dealer.
how much is a 1799 silver dollar worth
how much is a 1924 silver dollar worth
1896 silver dollar is worth how much?
A Washington silver dollar, believe it or not.
It depends greatly on the year, early silver dollar proof dollars can be worth several thousand dollars, modern silver dollar proofs of common dates might be worth $20 or so for silver scrap.
One dollar.
One dollar.
How much is a 1779 coin worth in the us
Approximately how much is a 1929 silver dollar
The James Madison Presidential dollar is made of brass, not silver, and is worth one dollar.
A silver dollar from the year 1020 is worthless, as it is a counterfeit.
what is the current value of an 1878 silver dollar