The First Continental Congress started on September 5, 1774.
The First Continental Congress started on September 5, 1774.
by ben Franklin
The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, as had the First.
The Navy during colonial times was called the Continental Navy. The Continental Congress funded a single fleet of the Continental Navy in 1775.
1487 augest 6
The Continental Army was formed on June 14, 1775. It was established by a resolution of the Continental Congress. The army was supported by local militias.
The Second Continental Congress began meeting in the summer of 1775, not long after the start of the Revolutionary War. It took place in Philadelphia, PA.
The Second Continental Congress began meeting in the summer of 1775, not long after the start of the Revolutionary War. It took place in Philadelphia, PA.
Continental Congress
That would be the 2nd Continental Congress!!
Second Continental Congress