

Best Answer
  1. Charles Richter, developed the scale used to measure earthquake magnitude
  2. Anders Celsius, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, and Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), temperature scales
  3. Friedrich Mohs, hardness scale
  4. Sir Francis Beaufort, wind speed scale
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Q: A scale was named after him?
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Who is the mineral scale named after?

The Mohs mineral scale was named after German mineralogist Frederich Mohs (1773-1839)

Who had a scale named after them?

Named after Francis Beaufort, the Beaufort Scale measures the wind speed as observed at sea or on land.

What temperature scale named after its inventor that goes 0 to 100 degrees?

The temperature scale named after its inventor that goes from 0 to 100 degrees is the Celsius scale, named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius.

Who is Mohs hardness scale named after?

The Mohs hardness scale is named after Friedrich Mohs, a German geologist and mineralogist who created the scale in 1812. It is used to determine the relative hardness of minerals by their ability to scratch each other.

Who where Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales are named after?

The Kelvin temperature scale is named after the Belfast-born physicist William Thomson,1st Boron Kelvin. The Celsius scale of temperature is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius. He had developed a similar temperature scale though not the same one.

Who is the hardness scale named after?

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is named after Friedrich Mohs, who developed it. The Rockwell scale of metal hardness is named after Hugh and Stanley Rockwell, who created the machine that measures it. Hugh and Stanley Rockwell aren't directly related to each other. The Shore Durometer scale for measuring the hardness of elastomeric materials like rubber is named after Albert Shore, who invented the measuring device called the durometer.

Who was Fahrenheit named after?

The Fahrenheit scale was named after its inventor, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a physicist and engineer who created the temperature scale in the early 18th century.

Is a temperature scale named after anders Celsius?

Yes, the temperature scale named after Anders Celsius is called the Celsius scale. It is a common temperature scale used in many countries around the world.

How do you spell ferihit?

The temperature scale is Fahrenheit, named for its inventor, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

What was the reason it was named the Fujita Scale?

It is named after the man who invented it: Dr. Tetsuya Fujita.

How do you spell farenhieht?

The temperature scale is Fahrenheit, named for scientist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

Who named Fahrenheit?

The Fahrenheit temperature scale is named after Daniel Fahrenheit, born in Poland in 1686.