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Q: Ar is an area function for a circle Find A1 when Ar equals 3.14r2?
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Ar is an area function for a circle Find A2 when Ar equals 3.14r2?


How do you find the radius of the circle if you know the area?

Area of a circle equals pi r2 Therefore the radius of a circle equals the square root of (area divided by pi).

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Type your answer here. Find the radius for a circle with the equation x2 plus y2 equals 9? ..

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A circle's circumference equals PI times the circle's diameter. So, to find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 56 we do the following:3.14159x 56___________________________175.92919YOUR ANSWER IS 176 (rounded)

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Area of a circle = pi*radius2 Area = 15.90431281 square units

What is the approximate area of a circle with a radius of 3 feet?

Area of a circle equals pi (~3.14) multiplied by the radius squared. So to find the area of that circle your equation is (3.14)(3)^2 which equals approximately 27.

Ar is an area function for a circle Find A3 when Ar 3.14r2?


How do u find the circumference of a circle?

you multiply diameterxpi+dxp pi equals 3.14

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If the circle inscribes the square, the diameter equals the square's side length. In this case, 16mm.

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Half the square root of the square radius equals the circle radius.

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