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Q: Are Blunt spray air fresheners poisonous if swallowed?
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Can spiders spray humans with a poisonous substance?

no they have to bite you

Is ocean nasal spray harmful if swallowed?

It will not harm you if you swallow Ocean Nasal Spray because it contains no medication. It is just purified salt solutions.

Is a skunk's spray poisonous?

Alas, no. It only makes you wish you were dead.

You licked pepper spray and now im nausious?

not to be mean but u crazy or what PEPPER-SPRAY IS POISONOUS IT CAN KILL U

Can headaches be caused by smells?

I think some headaches can be caused by smells like nail polish, cigarette smoke, and maybe something burning, spray air fresheners.

How do you kill a poisonous black spider without it biting you?

chuck Stuff at it / bug spray!

How can you give a poisonous spider water to drink?

carefully spray tiny drops of water on its web

Is it safe to spray for office fleas while people are working?

No, the spray is moderately poisonous towards humans, and will more than likely cause long term damage to your workmates.

Can smoking around a pregnant dog cause deformaties in her puppies?

Well, it's not good for her..but deformities? I don't think so. Chemicals are much that swiffer stuff or spray air fresheners and things like that.

How do you remove stickiness off of ceramic floors from spray air fresheners?

Vinegar and water works wonders on sticky messes. It is also a great grout cleaner if you are at it. mix it 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water.

Will you die if you eat pepper spray?

No u can't die i have gotten sprayed and it went in to my mouth and i swallowed it. So to answer Ur question no u can't die.

Remove burnt smell in house?

Open the windows, turn on fans. If your heating/ air conditioning has filters, replace them. Use Febreeze spray on fabrics. You can use air fresheners. If you have carpet, use a carpet shampooer. Wash bedding and dry.