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No, but it appears to be available from a number of different online vendors.

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Q: Are the Wizards of Waverly Place wands at Walmart?
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Related questions

Where can you buy Alex russos wand?

go to Google, look up wizards of Waverly place wands. then they will show lots of wands. look for the one with jewels arround the top. That is the one i bought, its coolio!

Where can you get wizards of Waverly place wands in Bangladesh?

On the strreet, a girl called "IERNA", will be there on St Pancreas shewbert cresent... she usually wears black black and black ...x

Where can you get an Alex Russo Wand from Wizards of Waverly Place?

You can get it for $9.95 at --- Alivan's, Master Wandmakers at made the wands that Wizards of Waverly Place use for both Max and Alex's characters, and they may still be found at the Alivan's website. (This version may also be available at stores such as ToysRUs)

How does wizards of Waverly place do magic?

Actually the wands are probably an every day object. But the colors when they cast a spell are an effect on the computer/editor. they dont see color it is all computer magic.and as said by Justin to Zeke what's so hard to beleive sometimes we use our wands and sometimes we just wave our fingers around quote.

Why do you need wizard of Waverly place wands?

you dont need a wand that is only for actors to use it pluse it is not real it dosent really work.

What are the spells used in wizards of Waverly place THE MOVIE?

their are no spells just wane their wands like max uses his wand to conjur up animals (goats)and selena uses her wand to pack her bags but their is one spell by alex russo (selena gomez) : on a surfboard i may be a mess on but my brother is in need of a lesson

Where can i get max russo's off wizards of Waverly places wand?

i had and look on google and it came here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so now were Go onto this site it is $38 and it is just rosewood but you can paint it like max's like i did. ;) I am with Alivan's, Master Wandmakers - - and we actually make the wands that Wizards of Waverly Place use for both Max and Alex's characters (we ship directly to them). You can find the wand right where the first poster said! Dave Alivan's Yeah, Alivans is the best

What was the spell that makes Max walk on walls on wizards of wavely place?

There is no spells Alex and Justin just point their wands at Max and he starts walking up the wall.

Can you get Alex Russo wands at walmart in Augusta GA?


Who is the wandmaker in Harry Potter?

One of the Wandmakers, is Mr. Ollivander. He gave many famous witches and wizards their wands. However, another Wandmaker, Gregorovitch, has given out wands, such as the Elder Wand.

What are words associated with magic?

witches, wizards, whicthcraft, wizardry, wands, potions, cauldrons, broomsticks, heroes, castles and evil.

Can you buy Harry Potter wands at Walmart?

I don't know about Walmart specifically, but you can certainly buy Harry Potter wands at all kinds of discount and junk shops. If your goal is to equip yourself for a theatrical production or fancy-dress party, you will easily find one. But here is the bad news. None of these wands can do real magic.