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Q: Are you tired of Power Rangers being filmed in New Zealand?
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Who are the 2010 power rangers?

No new...Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is being remastered

When does the power rangers shows stop being made?

Well, to think of it, i think it will stop being made after power rangers mega force.

What are the names of the power ranger shows?

The names of the Power Rangers are the first three seasons of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers being the name of part of the mini series that ended Season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Other seasons are Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers In Space, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Power Rangers Time Force, Power Rangers Wild Force, Power Rangers Ninja Storm, Power Rangers Dino Thunder, Power Rangers S.P.D. also known as Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, Power Rangers Jungle Fury and Power Rangers RPM. Following RPM, there is Power Rangers Samurai as well as the continuing season that is part of Samurai called Power Rangers Super Samurai. After Samurai and Super Samurai, there is Power Rangers Megaforce which is part of Power Rangers Super Megaforce.

Will saban adapted goseiger into a power rangers series after samurai?

Yes, Goseiger is currently being adapted as Power Rangers Megaforce.

What is the name of the power rangers movie?

The Red Ranger movie wasn't a Power Rangers movie, it was just a Super Sentai movie but it was titled "GaoRanger vs. Super Sentai" however there was an episode in Power Rangers in which previous Red Rangers end up coming back which was an episode during Power Rangers Wild Force that was titled "Forever Red."

How many seasons are in power rangers in space?

As of today, because of all of the Power Rangers' seasons - there has been a total of 18 seasons of Power Rangers, nineteen including the reversion Mighty Morph in Power Rangers, and a total (so far of 8-11-11) there are 743 episodes!

Is power rangers ninja storm the first power rangers?

No, Power Rangers Ninja Storm was not the first Power Rangers in fact Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was the first Power Rangers and it first started in August of 1993. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was about an evil sorceress named Rita escaping from her dumpster traveling vehicle which resulted in Zordon, an interdimensional being trapped in a time warp and Alpha 5, a robot to recruit 5 teenagers (Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini and Jason) to become Power Rangers.

Where can you get an original power morpher from mighty morphin power rangers?

you can get an original mighty morphin power rangers morpher on eBay or if u actually want want that was used in the show go to but they are being sold in a huge power rangers set for 6500

Mighty morphin power rangers?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the first season of Power Rangers, the original Power Rangers are Zack Taylor as the Black Ranger, Kimberly Hart as the Pink Ranger, Billy as the Blue Ranger, Trini Kwan as the Yellow Ranger, Jason Scott Lee as the Red Ranger and Tommy Oliver as the Green Ranger, the Power Rangers are aided by Zordon who is an interdimensional being that has been trapped in a time warp and Alpha 5 who is Zordon's trusted robotic assistant.

What did power rangers do?

The original Power Rangers protected the world from the evils of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd using powers and weapons given to them by the interdimentional being known as Zordon.

What series comes after power rangers dino thunder?

Yes there will be another Power Rangers series and it will be debuting in 2017 and it will be called Power Rangers Ninja Steel. Power Rangers Ninja Steel which will be airing through 2018 and the Rangers that it features will include a White Ranger, a Pink Ranger, a Blue Ranger, a Yellow Ranger and a Red Ranger which the females being the White Ranger and the Pink Ranger.

How would you explain who the Phantom Ranger is from Power Rangers?

The Phantom Ranger is a friend to the Power Rangers who moves as fast as lightning. The Phantom Ranger assisted the Turbo Rangers in their fights against Piranhatrons, Elgar and Rygog and also gave the Turbo Rangers the Rescuezords and Artillatron. The Phantom Ranger was also an aide that assisted the Space Rangers in their search for the captured Zordon. The Phantom Ranger is a being that gets his power from his Power Ruby which is the red gem in his chest armor and his power originates from Zordon's home planet of Eltar.