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No, but it gives one of the 20 cabbages you have to collect in order to get the last moves for Katara, Sokka, Aang and Toph

No but it gives you one of the 20 cabbages you have to collect to get their last moves

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Q: Avatar burning earth ds inside fortress toph is able to use her earth bending is it to open something?
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you go outside the fortress and take a left but not to the maze and go to the dome and you should find a light colored green shrub. you then take aang and press y to clear it . you then go to where the shrub is and pick up whats there.

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Sadly, no, but it would be cool. :P

Help with avatar burning earth?

what do you need help with i dont know the cabbage locatins the dog is in the dome on the outside of the fortress take a left and clear a shrub to break boxes get close and push y um yeah

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