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no mewtwo is a legendary and most legendaries are genderless. mewtwo can't have an egg

Ya but I don't understand Manaphy is a ledendary and it can hav a egg it hatches to Phonie

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12y ago

No Mewtwo and mew cant make an egg together it's impossible

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Q: Can Mewtwo have an egg
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Can Mewtwo lay an egg?

Mewtwo's a Legendary Pokemon, so he cant.

Can you hatch a mew from Mewtwo?

no it is not possible the only way to even get an egg from mewtwo is by using a cheat code and even then it will just be a mewtwo

How many steps does it take to hatch a super Mewtwo?

Mewtwo does not come from any egg, so it is possible that it's a glitch egg, that if it hatchs, it ruins your game.

How do you make Mewtwo lay an egg?

Put mewtwo in the daycare with a ditto. I did this with other legendary Pokemon and it worked

Can you breed a mewtwo and a mew to get mewthree on Pokemon pearl?

No, it is impossible to breed Mewtwo and Mew with any Pokemon or for any Pokemon. Their Egg Group is No Egg, which prevents them to breed.

Does mew evolve into Mewtwo?

mew evovle into mewtwo if you somehow make a egg so it evoves into mewtwo if you get luckyActually, Mewtwo is NOT an evolution of Mew. Scientist created mewtwo out of DNA from mew, so it is classified as an "evolution". But you cannot take a Mew and evolve it.

Can you get a Mew egg?

You cannot get an egg from Mewtwo in any game. Mewtwo is a legendary Pokemon, and no legendary Pokemon is allowed to breed. You can't even breed the two legendaries that have genders: Latios and Latias.

Where is birth?

you have to go to egg ilang where is in safari zone then kill mewtwo then it will take you there

Is it possible to get a new starter on Pokemon platinum without restarting the game such as obtaining an egg?

Mate your starter with a MEWTWO and you will have an egg soon.

Where is birth island?

you have to go to egg ilang where is in safari zone then kill mewtwo then it will take you there

Can you get a mew egg by putting two mewtwo's in the day care together?

No legends don't have eggs

What is the strongest Pokemon in brick bronze?

mewtwo because human made them and it an easter egg it really rare