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yes my son is 3 months old and he has monosomy 21,they do say hes a miracle and not suppose to be here

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Q: Can a child with monosomy be born alive?
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Is huntingtons disease monosomy or trisomy?


Which monosomy can a human have and still survive?

Monosomy X (Turner syndrome) is the only known survivable monosomy.

Is 45 x the only known human live born monosomy?


What causes monosomy?

The l virus that usually causes mononucleosis is the "Epstein-Barr virus". However it can also be caused by "Cytomegalovirus".

If a child is born in December can it be claimed?

Yes born before Midnight December 31 and your home was the child's home the entire time he or she was alive during the year it would be a qualifying child dependent on the federal 1040 income tax return.Death or birth of child. A child who was born or died during the year is treated as having lived with you all year if your home was the child's home the entire time he or she was alive during the year. The same is true if the child lived with you all year except for any required hospital stay following birth.Child born alive. You may be able to claim an exemption for a child who was born alive during the year, even if the child lived only for a moment. State or local law must treat the child as having been born alive. There must be proof of a live birth shown by an official document, such as a birth certificate. The child must be your qualifying child or qualifying relative, and all the other tests to claim an exemption for a dependent must be met.Stillborn child. You cannot claim an exemption for a stillborn child.

How many chromosomes does a human with monosomy have?


Is color blindness monosomy or trisomy?


Is klinefelter's syndrome monosomy or trisomy?

A trisomy. A monosomy is when there is only one of a chromosome. A trisomy is when there are three of a chromosome. In Klinefelter's syndrome, there are three sex chromosomes.

What some other example of monosomy?

Turner Syndrome

What is a loss of complete chromosome called?

deletion-occurs when an end of a chromosome breaks off or when two simultaneous breaks lead to the loss of an internal segment

When a chromosome appears by itself within a karyotype and not as a pair it is known as?


Do they born alive or eggs?

they born alive