Any type of ball can catch any Pokemon... If you are luck enough then you can catch it using pokeballs but when using ultra balls I recommend having a high levelled Pokemon that knows false swipe and something that can wither send moltres to sleep or paralyse it (other status' would KO it)
masterball or 4pokeballs+3 greatballs+8ulatraballs the ninth ultraball will catch it
This is impossible to answer! It just depends on LUCK
unless you have gameshark theres only one i know of that works its a poke/great/ultraball glitch. when you throw the ball immediatly hold up+a and release when the ball land the final time. it should catch 99% of the time
No the ultra ball is the better ball the order of normal poke balls goes Catch Rate Pokeball 1x Greatball 1.5x Park Ball 1.5x Ultraball 2x Masterball Infinite
No, you can catch Entei without catching Moltres.
a ultraball or a master ball
Weaken it with false swipes which can't defeat it then use an ultraball
try using dusk balls
masterball or 4pokeballs+3 greatballs+8ulatraballs the ninth ultraball will catch it
a masterball it can catch any Pokemon in the world in one throw
Anything can be caught with an ultra ball. Even with a poke ball.
Make it sleep and give then red life and use an ultraball
That would be a Master Ball, however, if you don't have it no more, or want to save it, use a duskball or a Ultraball
Well, if you don't have a masterball, use one... but you can catch one with an ultraball. My friend did. I ran out of them!
This is impossible to answer! It just depends on LUCK
yes you can catch almost all legendaries with an ultra ball, but most likely it would take more than three tries, i caught rayquaza with one ultraball and half health.