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Q: Can crackles be heard on auscultation?
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What is a difference between crackles and crepitation?

Both crackles and crepitation are abnormal breath sounds heard during auscultation. Crackles are discontinuous, brief, popping sounds usually heard during inspiration, indicative of fluid in the lungs. Crepitation is a coarse, crackling sensation often felt when rubbing bone ends together, frequently occurring in joints affected by arthritis.

What is an abnormal respiratory sound heard on an auscultation?

An abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation could be an indication of fluid in the lungs and reduced airflow to the part of the lungs. Abnormal respiratory sounds may come in the form of rales, rhonchi, stridor, or wheezing.

What is abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation?


Is it grammatically correct to say On auscultation rales were heard at the lung basis?

I would say: On auscultation, basal rales were heard bilaterally/confined to the L/R lung.

Lung auscultation in congestive heart failure?

You listen to both bases for signs of basal pulmonary oedema with the patient sitting up, presenting as crackles or rales.

The crackling sound heard on the auscultation of the chest is known as what?

pulmonary consolidation

What are abnormal breath sounds heard during inhalation or exhalation called?


What do you call a gurgling or swishing sound heard upon auscultation of the heart?


What does clear to auscultation bilaterally mean?

It means there are no abnormal sounds heard in your lungs.

What does a small activity in the chest mean in medical terms?

depends on the context of the discussion... If its to do with the lungs it could mean that there is some signs of a respiratory illness (wheeze, crackles heard on auscultation etc) If its to do with the heart it could be a murmur was heard, or a palpable heart beat could be felt... Im only guessing as i dont know what context this is in. So i hope i dont cause any worry!

What are the symptoms of I.V. fluid overload?

hypertension, lung congestion, crackles heard on lung auscultation, difficulty breathing, decrease oxygen saturation, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, edema, bounding pulse, distended neck veins, renal dysfunction. The simplest test for saline overload is weight. Gains of 20 to 40 pounds in a week are not uncommon in saline overload!

What does auscultation bilaterally mean?

Auscultation bilaterally means listening to sounds, such as heart or lung sounds, on both sides of the body. This allows for comparison to check for symmetry and abnormalities in the sounds heard on each side.