Eevee doesn't evolve by leveling up. Instead, you can use stones on it or get high friendship on it during the day or night. Here are some examples... Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee with a Water Stone Flareon: Evolve Eeeve with a Fire Stone Jolteon: Evolve Eevee with a Thunderstone Espeon: Evolve Eevee with Max Friendship during the DAY Umbreon: Evolve Eevee with Max Friendship at NIGHT
u have to raise it IQ up to 2 stars
There a lots of ways to evolve Pokemon in Pokemon platinum. 1. When some Pokemon reach a certain level they evolve. 2. For some Pokemon like eevee u have to use an evolutionary stone. 3.To get eevee to Umbroen or Espeon u have to make eevee have max happiness. Then level it up in the day and u get espeon and level it up in the night and u get umbroen. 4. Some Pokemon such as riolu and togepi require to be happy to evolve. 5. For Pokemon like haunter u have to trade a it. As soon as it is traded it will evolve. 6. Some Pokemon like legendary Pokemon can't evolve.
You take Eevee to Snowpoint City, from there haed to Icy Rock a little south of the town. While battling in a close proximity to the rock, have Eevee level up, it will then evolve into Glaceon.
In Pokémon Blac 2, you can find Leafeon by first finding its pre-evolved form of Eevee in Castelia City's Park. After finding one and catching an Eevee, you can take it to the Moss Rock in Pinwheel Forest and then you can level it up once and it will evolve into Leafeon.
the eevee has to have a 2 star IQ and a sun ribbon
you can't unless u have 2 Eevees .
Eevee doesn't evolve by leveling up. Instead, you can use stones on it or get high friendship on it during the day or night. Here are some examples... Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee with a Water Stone Flareon: Evolve Eeeve with a Fire Stone Jolteon: Evolve Eevee with a Thunderstone Espeon: Evolve Eevee with Max Friendship during the DAY Umbreon: Evolve Eevee with Max Friendship at NIGHT
go to eterna forest.there's a leafy to it,then train eevee 2 or 3 levels.
eevee does not evolve into umbreon or espeon at a level, instead, you must max out its happiness through the use of grooming or hairdressing in gen 2-4, or massage in gen 5 in castelia city. then go to a high level area with your max happiness eevee in first party slot (yo ucan check happiness by talking to certain people in more major cities or fan clubs) then battle and switch eevee for a level high enough to beat the wild pokemon. if eevee is low enough level, it should level up and start evolving. NB, this must be done between DS time: 9pm and 3:59 am as of gen 5 for an umbreon, or 4am-8:59pm for espeon
Here's all the ways to evolve Eevee currently:Vaporeon - Give the Eevee a Water StoneJolteon - Give the Eevee a Thunder StoneFlareon - Give the Eevee a Fire StoneEspeon - Max out Eevee's Happiness during the DayUmbreon - Max out Eevee's Happiness during the NightLeafeon - Take Eevee to the Mossy Rock in Eterna Forest, then level it up onceGlaceon - Take Eevee to the Icy Rock in Route 217Sylveon - Bond with Eevee in the Pokemon Amie till its affection is at least 2 hearts and it knows a Fairy-type move at the same time, then level Eevee up just once.
You cannot make Eevee happy enough for it to evolve into Espeon in Pokémon Red. It will not evolve into Espeon in Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, Pokémon Yellow or the Japanese only release of Pokémon Green. However Eevee can evolve into Espeon in Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
an evolve charm is eevee specific item, it boosts the exp gained after defeating any Pokemon
just goto celestic town, and with eevee in your party, travel up and down for about 2 hours, then at night make it level up.
first, get an eevee from bebe in hearthome city, she lives next to the Pokemon center. make sure you have a place in your party, and the eevee will be level 20. heres how to make it evolve; Umbreon: make it like you a lot, give it a soothe bell, level it up, if it is your most powerful or second most powerful Pokemon in your party and it loves you a lot(check withe the friendship checker, it will have 2 little hearts and a giant one) you could take it on walks in amity square, and when it is night, make sure it redally likes you, battle with it often. then, if its night, feed it a rare candy, and you have an umberon. make sure you evolve it from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am, though
u have to raise it IQ up to 2 stars