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Q: Can kisses on your neck cause a hickey?
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Can you kiss a girl on the neck without giving her a hickey?

Yes, it is possible to kiss a girl on the neck without giving her a hickey. To avoid leaving a mark, focus on gentle and brief kisses, using less suction than you would for a hickey. Communication and consent are key to ensure a positive and comfortable experience for both partners.

What does it mean if a guy gives you a hickey?

A person that kisses you too hard and that will leave a bruise, usually on the neck. Or is trying to claim you by giving you one

Can you get a neck pain from hickey?

Yes, you can get neck pains from hickeys.

What do you do while getting a hickey?

a Hickey is where someone like sucks your neck. You can do the same back.

Can you get a hickey on your neck by someone just breating on you?


What is a lump you get on your neck from kissing?

you must mean a hickey

Can you get a bruise on your leg after you've gotten a hickey on your neck?

No, unless the cause of the hickey (probably someone sucking on your neck) also occurred at the area in which you have the leg bruise. The bruise on your leg could be caused by a number of things, a lot of people don't even realize where they got a bruise, or how they got it.

Can you give someone a hickey on their penis?

Yea you can... its just broken blood vessels, you can get a hickey anywhere.Yes

Can you only get a hickey on your neck?

No, any part of the body can be bruised.

How did I get a hickey without any kissing sucking or biting on my neck?

It could be a bruise.

How do you give a guy a good hickey?

The way to give the best hickey is to gently, but steadily suck on the skin for at least 20 seconds.

If you got kissed on your neck could you get a passion mark?

A hickey is formed from them sucking on your neck and yes you could if you felt him sucking.