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Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]

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Q: Can you bread with Ditto in SoulSilver?
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What does Ditto evolve into in Pokemon SoulSilver?

ditto does not evolve

How do you bread a mr mime to get mime jr in Pokemon soulsilver?

give mr mime an odd incense and breed it with ditto in day-care

Can a latios have a egg with a Ditto SoulSilver?


Where do you get a Ditto in pokemon soulsilver?

Cerulean Cave

How do you breed Rotom in Pokemon SoulSilver?

with a ditto

When do you get magby in Pokemon SoulSilver?

To obtain a Magby in Pokemon Soul Silver you first have to capture a Magmar and bread him with a captured Ditto. You have to breed these two Pokemon at the daycare center.

Can a female abanasnow breed with a Ditto in soulsilver?

i am pretty sure a ditto can breed with anything, as long as it has a gender.

What is the result of breeding 2 Dittos together in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

you cannot breed ditto with ditto.

What happens if you put a typhlosion with a ditto in the daycare on soulsilver?

you get a cyndaquil

Can you get a Lugia egg in SoulSilver?

Ditto and Lugia do not breed. I tried it.

How do you catch Ditto in SoulSilver?

Route 34 or Safari Zone

What do you get when you breed quilava and Ditto in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You will get Cinderquil eggs.