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No, but you can feed them to your Pokemon.

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Q: Can you eat poke berries
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Where to get poke accessories?

You can exchange them for berries in flamora town

What to do if poke berries are eaten?

you should call poison control ASAP! poke berry seeds are poisonous!

How do you get poke blocks in Pokemon?

In emerald you get them in the contest hall by making them with berries.

How do you tell the difference between poisonous berries and good to eat berries in the woods?

Poisonous poke berries grow in water and elderberries grow on land. Both of them are not really safe to eat. Comment from Asker: Poke Berries grow on land from what I have seen in Dallas, Texas. I found a plant growing behind an unattached garage. It had ripe purple berries on it. I almost ate them, but tried them out on a squirrel first, who sniffed and then walked away. I saw a picture on the internet of a pokeberry and it appears that the berries grow more in rows than clusters as is seen in elderberries.

Do crickets eat berries?

yes,crickets do eat berries.

Do rabbits ever eat berries?

Yes, rabbits do eat berries.

Do fish eat berries?

No, fish do not eat berries because they live underwater. Berries are not found underwater.

Do quolls eat berries?

Quoll are carnivorous marsupials. They do not eat berries.

In emerald what are berries for?

Berries are for making poke blocks of for crushing if you want to make poke bloks you go to the contest house in lilly cove if you want to crush them you go upstairs and talk to the middle lady for that you will need a wirless connection.

Do buffalo eat seeds and or berries?

Yes ,they eat the berries from the acacia tree.

Can hamsters eat berries?

They can eat berries but they have to be washed

Do mentawai people eat dogwood berries?

YES, they eat dogwood berries.