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Cardinal points most commonly refers to the points north, south, east and west as shown on a compass. A compass is an instrument that uses the magnetic force of the earth to determine which direction is north.

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Q: Cardinal points also refers to what instrument?
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What does cardinal directions mean in Maps?

North, South, East, and West are the Cardinal DirectionsThe definition is one of the four principal compass points north, south, east, and west; also called cardinal point

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The four main directions (North, South, East and West) are also called cardinal directions or cardinal points.

How To Use A Compass?

The N S W and E are called cardinal points and are always constant. NW, NE, SE, and SW are inter cardinal points and are also always constant The little triangle inbetween those intercardinal points are called secondary intercardinal points. The ring on the outside marks 0-360 those are degrees and are more exact than the cardinal and intercardinal points. The direction you are going is called a heading -MOST COMMON MISTAKE!!! people often think that the direction the arrow points is the direction you are going which is NOT true. [the arrow always points magnetic north (which

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Also called redbird, or cardinal grosbeak.

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What is pph?

pph means points per hour. It usually refers to how many points you get in a game or something like that. ! :) PPH is also know as Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

Where can one find Cardinal Gate online?

One can find the Cardinal Gate online on the Cardinal Gate website. The Cardinal Gate Online can also be found via blogs and forums dedicated to the Cardinal Gate.

What is a billiard?

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Does anyone Know where to get tamagotchi v6 music star instructions?

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