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It is always possible to die during any surgery.

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Q: Could you die from plastic surgery?
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Does the plastic from plastic surgery disintegrate when you die?

I don't think so and the word "plastic is used as an adjective in "plastic surgery" meaning to shape and not from the synthetic material plastic.

Does plastic surgery cause death?

Yes, which means you must be careful when using it. One can die by heart attack from plastic surgery

Who did Denton Deere suggest could use some plastic surgery?

Denton Deere suggested that the space iguanas could use some plastic surgery.

Can you die from plastic surgery?

If the op goes wrong then yeah, but its not that likely you will die.

Could plastic surgery kill you over time?


What are a few of the risks from neck plastic surgery?

There a few risks from any type of surgery. Plastic surgery is not exempt from these risks. There is always a risk that the surgeon could hit a major vein or that the anesthetic could cause death.

Where could one find information about receiving a chin implant through plastic surgery?

One could ask a doctor or a plastic surgeon. One could also look at the plasticsurgery website or at AAFPRS, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Did mblaq get plastic surgery?

No, they did not get plastic surgery.

What is Korean Plastic Surgery?

Korean Plastic Surgery refers to plastic surgery that is popular in Korea. It is generally quite extreme surgery, such as eye surgery and whiteness surgery.

Who does Denton Deere suggests could use plastic surgery?

Denton Deere suggests that sandy McSouthers could use plastic surgery.

What are some common plastic surgery mistakes?

The most common plastic surgery mistakes are mistakes that could happen with any surgery where large incisions are performed; there are fears of both infection, and blood clotting.

What are some cons of plastic surgery?

There is no cons for plastic surgery, except that it will hurt (obviously) and that too many surgeries could make you look like a freak. That is all :)