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crows deck list

Monster Cards: 19

  1. Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
  2. Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
  3. Blackwing - Bora the Spear
  4. Blackwing - Bora the Spear
  5. Blackwing - Bora the Spear
  6. Blackwing - Gale of the Hurricane
  7. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
  8. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
  9. Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
  10. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
  11. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
  12. Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
  13. Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
  14. Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
  15. Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
  16. Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
  17. Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
  18. Dark Armed Dragon
  19. Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Spell Cards: 11

  1. Allure of Darkness
  2. Black Whirlwind
  3. Black Whirlwind
  4. Book of Moon
  5. Book of Moon
  6. Book of Moon
  7. Brain Control
  8. Gold Sarcophagus
  9. Heavy Storm
  10. My Body As A Shield
  11. Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap Cards: 11

  1. Bottomless Trap Hole
  2. Bottomless Trap Hole
  3. Icarus Attack
  4. Icarus Attack
  5. Icarus Attack
  6. Mirror Force
  7. Royal Oppression
  8. Royal Oppression
  9. Solemn Judgment
  10. Starlight Road
  11. Torrential Tribute

Side Deck: 15

  1. D.D. Crow
  2. D.D. Crow
  3. Dust Tornado
  4. Dust Tornado
  5. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
  6. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
  7. Mirror of Oaths
  8. Mirror of Oaths
  9. Nobleman of Crossout
  10. Nobleman of Crossout
  11. Starlight Road
  12. Trap Hole
  13. Trap Hole
  14. Threatening Roar
  15. Threatening Roar

Extra Deck: 15

  1. Ally of Justice - Catastor
  2. Black Rose Dragon
  3. Blackwing Armed Wing
  4. Blackwing Armed Wing
  5. Blackwing Armed Wing
  6. Blackwing Armor Master
  7. Blackwing Armor Master
  8. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
  9. Colossal Fighter
  10. Goyo Guardian
  11. Magical Android
  12. Mist Wurm
  13. Red Dragon Archfiend
  14. Stardust Dragon
  15. Stardust Dragon
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10y ago

You can buy the soaring black wings pack at the shop in the last row second pack

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