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Q: Did George lucas ever make a book?
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Make George Lucas lots of money.

What does Star Wars do?

Make George Lucas lots of money.

Is George Lucas going to make another Star Wars movie after The Force Awakens?

Lucas didn't make The Force Awakens as your question implies but No, Lucas is not making anymore Star Wars movies.

Who had the idea to make Star Wars?

George Lucas. If you don't know him, wiki him.

Did George Lucas make battle star galactic?

If you mean Battlestar Galactica, then no

Can there be a new Star Wars?

Yes but George Lucas will not make starwars super different

Was George Lucas intending to make sequels and prequels when Star Wars IV came out?

No. George Lucas didn't expect Star Wars to be a big hit at all. But then after Episode 4 received a huge box office, Lucas then decided to expand the storyline.

How much money did george lucas make on Star Wars?

As of 2010, he has a $4.3 billion franchise.

Did George Lucas make Batman?

Bob Kane was the creator of Batman. He made good ones

When did George Lucas make Darth Vader helmet?

He made it in 1421!!! thats impossible since George Lucas wasnt even ALIVE in 1421 anyway he didnt make it other people did and I think they made it in 2000 since that is when revenge of the sith came out.

Did they make a movie of the seventh tower books?

Yes they did because all the people on the covers are real people and it says in the back of the book that George Lucas made it into a movie.

What book does lucas make brooke read in One Tree Hill?

The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck