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No, she just wanted to write a book and earn a bit of money from it. She was poor and desperate for money and never expected it to be such a big hit.

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Q: Did J.K.Rowling know that Harry Potter was going to be a big hit?
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What is the main event in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

The big event in the first year of Harry Potter is that Voldemort, or You-Know-Who, was going after the sorcerer's stone. This would have made him immortal.

Who is going out with Emma Watson?

She is going out with Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter!! Note:You should know because they kissed in a cafe'.

Do Japanese people know about Harry Potter?

Yes, Japanese people do know about Harry Potter.

Should you see the Harry Potter movies in order?

In the order they were/are being made..... * Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone * Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets * Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban * Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire * Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix * Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince * Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

What book is Harry Potter cation in Harry Potter?

I'm afraid I don't believe Harry Pottercation is in any of the Harry Potter books or movies. I'd be interested to know where you got that idea from.

Related questions

Does JKRowling have any plans on writing more books on Harry Potter?

I think she is supposed to be writing 3 more, but I don't know

What is the main event in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

The big event in the first year of Harry Potter is that Voldemort, or You-Know-Who, was going after the sorcerer's stone. This would have made him immortal.

Are they going to be using the same people in the rest of the Harry Potter movies?

as far as I know, yes

Who is going out with Emma Watson?

She is going out with Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter!! Note:You should know because they kissed in a cafe'.

How do you know if that nerd on the bus is Harry Potter?

He's not. Harry Potter is not a nerd.

Do Japanese people know about Harry Potter?

Yes, Japanese people do know about Harry Potter.

What is the feeling in Harry Potter?

We can never really know how Harry Potter feels through out his life but we can imagine! And there is going to be a Hogwarts in Universal studios in Florida with a Hogsmade and rides and games to play! that is going to be finished some time in 2010!

What is the sixth part of Harry Potter?

harry potter and the half blood prince how can you not know that

Why does Harry Potter die?

Harry Potter doesn't die and if you want to know for yourself, then read the Harry Potter series, espeially number 7.

What is the title of the fourth book in the Harry potter series?

The fourth Harry Potter is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Can Harry Potter know us?


Who is you know who in Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter, You Know Who is Voldemort. They say "You Know Who" because they are all afraid of saying his name, except Albus Dumbledore , Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Voldemort is also know as "The Dark Lord".