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Yes, a step sister , named Nancy Ellen (Buck) Marshall (1921-2013) a Seattle, WA born daughter of Florence "Flo" Rosetta (Allen) Buck Morrison , second wife of John Waynes father, Clyde L."Doc" Morrison. Clyde had met and married her secondly , in Glendale,CA in 1930 after he was divorced by John Wayne's mother, Mary Alberta "Molly" (Brown). Clyde died in 1937. Nancy's divorced birthfather,,Harold Fairfaix "Hal" Buck Sr. was, unknownst to both families, Clyde Morrison's 4th cousin through Dr. Medad Parsons.Both of them were born in IL and would later move to CA. Thus John Wayne's step sister was also his 5th cousin ! Nancy through her fathers paternal grandmother Camilla Anna Washington was a Descendant of Pres. George Washington's older 1/2 brother. Her dad was also a Fairfax relative. The young G.Washington surveyed land for Lord Fairfaix in VA. Washington was also Civil War Confed. Gen. Robert E. Lee's wife, Mary Randolph (Custis) Lee's step greatgrandfather ,and also her father George Washington Parke Custis's adoptive father. She was related to Pres. Thomas Jefferson's mother also. Nancys husband John Marshall was also a descendant of US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall who was also a cousin of Pres. Jefferson . Nancy's grand son was an actor too , one of the Power Rangers. I knew Mrs. Nancy Buck Marshall and am a distant relative of both her and her stepbrother/cousin John Wayne [AKA:Marion Michael Morrison]. I researched our mutual family connections and surprized her by finding her cousin relationship to her famous step brother,which neither she nor John Wayne had ever known about.John Waybe gave his step-sister away at her 1944 wedding. John Wayne also had a full brother, Robert Emmett Morrison who like Wayne, would die from cancer. Late in her life she also found out she had two Buck 1/2 brothers she had never known of. They where happy to finally meet each other ! She died 1 jan 2013 in McAlester,OK leaving behind a son, 2 grandsons, and 1 ggrandson, all in TX.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, he had one full younger brother named Robert, who proceeded him in death by cancer.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

He had one younger brother, Robert.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

He had one brother, Robert Morrison.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, he was the middle of three children.

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