Humor is like a sense in some ways; it's not just about being funny. It is having the sense to know when to use humor and when humor is being used. People who are said to have a poor sense of humor are people who don't get most jokes.
I think the tittle is not appropriate as i do not get the sense of it talking about how we was being treated in that land. it just does not make sense
Remorse makes one more of a human being. When one feels remorse for one's actions, they then have the ability to right the wrong. A monster, not in the physical sense like Godzilla, but in the emotional and mental sense, doesn't feel regret towards anything he/she might have done.
Bilbo was used to being underground, his home was under ground. He had a good sense of direction and was pretty sure he knew where he came from. He was short, which helped him not hit the roof with his head. And he didn't have any matches, otherwise he may have lit his pipe and attracted a lot of unwanted attention.
White man opinion: Well, I am very much attracted to black women. I can't speak for all white men. It's all about personal preference. I can find myself attracted to any race. In general, I want a woman with confidence and sense of mind. I actually would love to marry a black woman one day.Yes, there are white men who find black women attractive.Of course there are. Why wouldn't there be? Not all white men share the same preference in women.
In the sexual sense, a male cannot be a lesbian because the title if for females attracted to the same sex. For males, being attracted to females isn't the same sex for them and would be straight, and being attracted to their own sex is seen as homosexuality and not lesbianism.
It gives them a sense of control.
it is their instinct...they can sense the human blood and are attracted...
The sense of taste. When you are attracted to the nice smell of food, you can sometimes taste it in your mouth as if you were eating it!x
We'll think about out it, what would happen if the guy was honest and told you that he was attracted to other women? A woman thinks that if she's with a guy then suddenly she is the only attractive woman in the world - Doesn't make sense does it?
We might be attracted to someone for their looks or sense of humor, but in the end, it is security and whoever makes us feel good, that we end up with.
In some cases, none. In other cases a man who was "straight" now is "gay" (or straight as related to the surgery.) A sense of peace and comfort with the world. The person is suddenly in their right body. If they are MtF and are attracted to men they are straight, if they are attracted to women they are lesbians If they are FtM and are attracted to men they are gay, if they are attracted to women they are straight.
being deprived of the sense of sound
No, people are born gay and so do not choose to be gay. It would be gay to choose to be gay.
If you're interested in the person's thoughts and feelings, it's emotional attraction. But if you're only thinking about how hot a person is and having sexual thoughts about him/her, that's sexual attraction. Here are more answers from WikiAnswers contributors: * The difference is that you can be atracted to someone maybe their thoughts and feelings toward things, and always have something to talk about...etc. The sexual atraction means that you know you like the person's body and you may not have a lot in common when the sexual atraction is gone. Basically, the difference is love vs. lust. If all you have is the lust, then it's not true love and won't be. == == * I think the phrase 'being attracted to someone' always means attracted in a physical sense i.e., sexually attracted. * If it is soon after you have met them, it may be the pheromones. Or not. But, give yourself some time with them before trying to determine whether it is one thing or the other. For those of us who have been "there," the time of meeting is not the time to mistake one for the other. * Being attracted to someone only means that you have an interest in that person. It is usually associated with wanting to spend time with them. It may or may not include being sexually attracted. You might not even know why you are attracted (common interests, feel comfortable with, easy to talk with, reminds you of someone else, etc.). Being sexually attracted to someone involves an interest which includes physical intimate contact. This might be driven by lust or the desire to express deep emotional feelings or some combination of lust and emotion.
yes how can a fat person be loved! Hmm that makes no sense a fat person can attractive too!!
Not enough to matter in any practical sense. Hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein in blood, is very weakly attracted to magnets (and oxyhemoglobin, the same protein when oxygen is bound to it, is very very weakly repelled by magnets).