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George Burns smoked ten to fifteen cigars a day, every day, from the time he was about 14 years old until the day he died, and was buried with three cigars in the breast pocket of his suit.

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Q: Did george burns smoke his cigar or was it only a prop in his act.?
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Did george burns smoke his cigar or was it only a prop?

George Burns had a 10-15 cigar a day habit and claimed that it was his cigar habit that kept him living. He would joke that if he had quit when his doctor told him to he wouldn't have lived long enough to go to his funeral. He smoked El Producto cigars because more expensive cigars are tightly packed and can go out. If you spent all your time on stage relighting your cigars, George would say, your audience would then go out.

If you smoke a cigar is it the same as 10 cigarettes?

There might be 4 times the tobacco. 4 cigarettes are worse for you than 1 cigar. Most people don't inhale cigar or pipe smoke, so it drastically decreases the chances of cancer of the lungs or throat, especially if it's only 1 cigar.

Who is William burns from the burns and Allen show?

There is no William Burns in the show,we have only George Burns and his wife Gracie Allen

Am only 19 and you smoke cigar should you do to stop it?

Everything in moderation! Come back to it after you've completed your education and are gainfully employed!

Who said Happiness A good cigar a good meal a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman it depends on how much happiness you can handle?

"a woman is only a woman, but a good cigaris a smoke." -- Rudyard Kipling "

Will having smoked 1 cigar in a lifetime be damaging in any way?

The only danger in smoking one cigar would be if you are tempted to smoke another one, which eventually can lead to nicotine addiction. It is better not to take the chance. Just say no to tobacco. - - - - - The addictiveness of nicotine is directly related to the pH of the smoke. Cigarettes, which are addictive, have acidic smoke. Cigars have alkaline smoke, and they don't seem to be as addictive as cigarettes. Some cigar smokers never get addicted although they've smoked for years--they can stop smoking cigars for a few weeks and not suffer withdrawal. As to the question: no, one cigar in a lifetime won't hurt you.

Does hydrogen prouduce smoke?

No. Smoke consists of particles of matter that did not completely combust. Hydrogen burns with a perfectly clean flame; the only product is water vapor.

Who said you are only as young as the woman you feel?

Not sure, but it sounds like George Burns.

Is it more harmful to inhale a pipe tobacco rolled cigarette apose to a cigarette tobacco rolled cigarette?

All types of smoke have tar, which gets into the lungs and causes emphysema and/or chronic bronchitis. The only difference between pipe smoke and cigar/cigarette smoke is that pipe smoke - in my opinion - smells better.

Who said a women is only a women but a cigar is a good smoke?

Rudyard Kipling said it in Bachelor Ballads.

Is cigar contains particles from pigs?

No! A hand rolled cigar only contains tobacco. And, maybe a little spit.

Can inhaling cigar smoke kill you?

Not deadly, some people do. I would not recommend it. You certainly do not need to in order to enjoy the cigar. And yes, inhaling cigar smoke is nearly as bad for as as inhaling cigarette smoke .