Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) was often urged to marry by her ministers, in order to secure the succession, but she always managed to successfully side-stepped the issue. But it seems the Queen possibly did lose her heart to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (1532 - 1588). A man she called her "Eyes". It is difficult to be sure how far the relationship between Elizabeth and Robert went, or whether it was ever consummated, as Elizabeth always promoted her virginity throughout her life.
They had been in each other's company for years and Robert was one of the first men to be appointed to the Council. This caused consternation among the other ministers, as they worried about what kind of influence he might have over the Queen.
But Dudley was a married man, and in 1560 a scandal erupted concerning the death of his wife, Amy, who was found to have fallen down the stairs whilst being alone at home. Despite the verdict of accidental death, this incident would continue to dog Dudley. He remained unmarried for 18 years, probably to please Elizabeth, but then he married the widowed Lady Essex, Lettice Knollys, a cousin of the Queen's, which deeply hurt Elizabeth, and Lettice was banished from court.
Robert Dudley died on 4 September 1988, and Elizabeth was so deeply upset that she shut herself away in her apartments until Lord Burghley, her chief minister, had the doors broken down. A letter that Dudley had written to Elizabeth just days before her death, was treasured by her and kept in a box, where it was found on her death. She had written upon it "his last letter".
Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip.
hey i want to tell that Elizabeth killed princess Diana
She's got big fat juicy knockers, i love nibbling them
All you need is love
She needs and deserves the full support and love of her people, especially in this, the year of her special Diamond Jubilee.
Queen Elizabeth I never killed anyone. When young she was in love with Lord Robert Dudley who later married someone else. He died at Cornbury Park near Oxford on 4 September 1588, possibly of malaria, 15 years before the death of Elizabeth.
She never married.
Because her father fell in love
Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip.
Elizabeth murdered the man she loved because is maaadddd....!!
Queen Elizabeth I loved to read and entertainment. Education was her main interest, she had a undying love for intellectual individuals. Her love for entertainment shows through Shakespeare, his plays, and her funding of his programs.
1998 Judi Dench, Shakespeare in Love (Supporting Actress) [Elizabeth I] 2006 Helen Mirren, The Queen (Lead Actress) [Elizabeth II]
hey i want to tell that Elizabeth killed princess Diana
She's got big fat juicy knockers, i love nibbling them
Of course with the most pengiest chick around...Yasmin bladz x They have been dating secretly for ages...
They dont like each other at first, they secretly love each other but is in denial.
In the Elizabethan era it appeared in one of Queen Elizabeth I's paintings to symbolize her selfless love.