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Surprisingly, no they don't. It's because they weren't from long ago, their mission started after they were already on Earth. Luna and Artemis don't know about Uranus or Neptune, so they won't know about Sailor Moon's past!

EDIT: Yes and no. At their inital appearance in the English anime, they do not know that Serena/Sailor Moon is the reincarnation of the moon princess. Eventually however, they do find out, and are in complete denial, at one point even requesting to fight Sailor Moon to prove she is worthy of her crown as the moon princess and to be leader of the Senshi/Scouts. It is Sailor Uranus who is most adamant about this, and it is also Uranus who is the first to bow to Sailor Moon in apology when she realizes the truth.

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I think they knew her from the future.

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Q: Do Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune know that Sailor Moon is the reincarnation of the moon princess?
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Yes, in the original Japanese version, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are girlfriends but in the American version, they are cousins.

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110/111 They were in Sailor Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto's heart. And technically, she didn't find them, the evil scientist did first and his sidekick did but Sailor Moon rescued the pure heart crystals.

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They never do.

What episode does sailor uranus actually see Sailor Moon turn into the princess?

The sailor Uranus does actually see the sailor moon turn into the princess in episode 10.

Are sailor Neptune and Uranus dating?

No Sailor Jupiter is not a lesbian, but Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are a lesbian couple, although they were changed to being cousins in the English dub.

Does sailor uranus ever actually see sailor moon turn into the princess?

Yes, there is an instance whereby the sailor uranus is able to see the sailor moon turn into a princess.

Is SailorNeptune a lesbian?

yes, sailor neptune and sailor uranus are a lesbian couple.

Is Planet Uranus protected by Sailor Neptune?

No. Sailor Neptune is only responsible for the guardianship of her own planet, along with the duties given to her by Queen Serenity.For Neptune and Uranus, their duty was to keep watch on the outer rim of the Solar System, to prevent incursions from outsiders. This is in contrast to the duties of the Inner Senshi, whose duty it was to guard Princess Serenity.

Do the outer sailor senshi know that Usagi is the princess at the beginning?

The Outer Senshi (Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto) do not come in until later in the series, by which time everyone knows that Usagi is the Moon Princess. But the Inner Senshi did not find out until half-way through the first Season (of the anime, I haven't read the manga) that she was the Princess.

When did sailor Uranus kill SAILOR Pluto?

when galaxia takes sailor neptune and sailor uranus star seed and makes them her minions which they take Saturn and plutos star seed under her order

Is sailor Uranus and sailor Neptune lovers?

Yea they are lovers in the original version but in the us version they are cousins