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Fred Weasley died, George survived.

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Q: Do the twins die in the Harry Potter movies?
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Related questions

Why didn't Harry Potter die in the movies?

He didn't die in the movies because he didn't die in the books.

Did one of the Whesley twins die in Harry Potter?

Sadly,yes Fred Weasly dies in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows during the Battle of Hogwarts

Does Harry Potter die in the first movie?

Of course not. How could there be any movies after it then?

Does moufoy die in the Harry Potter movies?

Malfoy doesnt die in the books but I'm not 100% positive about the movies. Hope this helped!

Did one of the Whesley twins die?

Yes, Fred Wesely dies in harry potter part 2

Which Harry Potter book did one of the twins die in?

Ron's elder brother, Fred Weasley. He died in the final book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Will Daniel Radcliffe's career die after Harry Potter?

This is not likely. He is quite famous from Harry Potter, and will be sought out for other movies. If he wants to continue acting, he'll have lots of opportunities.

Does Harry Potter die and Hermione brings him back with a spell?

No this didn't happen in either the books or movies.

Did either of the phelps twins die?

Yes and no.In real life no and in the harry potter and the deathly hallows george weasley does.

Did Bettey die in Harry Potter?

There is no such character in Harry Potter.

Does Niki die in Harry Potter?

There is no Niki in Harry Potter.

Can Voldemort Harry Potter die in Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 2?

Yes Voldemort does die, Harry Potter defeats him