use action reply for ds
Somewhat rare to find i remember finding it on my second try.
You get 1 of 3 rare pokemon. Giratina, kyogre, and groudon, I think. But you can only get 1.
Yes, yes he did sell his soul.
You can get unlimited rare candys from the battle fronteir
use them to fight, walk with them, don't give them rare candys or leave them in your PC box.
It depends if you wait a lot and get a lot of points in the National Park Dome. You can get rare candy there. But you need points. The fun sport is the Stamina course.
You find them like everyone else has to do.With dowsing Machine or in pokeballs
the only way is action replay exept acion replay gives u 900 rare candys
You sell them
There is no such thing.
at the pokeathalon
No but there not common either its in between
You find them hidden in the game.
everywhere but very rare
buy loads of revives and potions and u will never lose ( exept if ur Pokemon are weak lol) train ur Pokemon at least 50 or higher if ur not bothered just find rare candys