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No, it was ben gived at event. You can only cheat it now.

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Q: Do you really have to defeat the elite four 100 times for the mystic ticket?
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What do you do to get a mystic ticket after beating elite four 19 times?

its not possible

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You do not need a ticket from Professor Oak or Professor Elm to battle the Elite Four.

Where is the ferry ss in pokemon sapphire?

in the shipyard it was being built you get the ticket after the elite four defeat

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first you must defeat the elite 4.then professer oak will give it to you

How do you use the ticket for the boat on Pokemon Gold?

You have to defeat the elite four and champion after that you will get a call from prof elm to come to his lab then go to his lab talk to him and you will get the ss ticket

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Your father, Norman will give it to you only if you defeat the Elite Four and enter the Hall of Fame.

How do you get to the Vermilion City gym leader?

you have to defeat the elite 4 and champion and obtain a ticket to the s.s. aqua which u get from professor elm.

How do you get passed the guard to get into Kanto in Pokemon heartgold?

you must defeat the elite 4. after defeating the elite 4 you will go get the ss ticket by profecer elm and have to go to the boat on mondays and fridays

What happens when you defeat the elite four and the elite four champion?

its you become powerful then if you become powerful you will defeat the elite four

How do you get to Kanto region on pokemon crystal?

You'll need to defeat the Elite Four and Professor Oak would give you an S.S Ticket to go through.

How do you defeat Pokemon diamond?

defeat the elite four

How do you get the mysticket in Pokemon Emerald?

You have to go to the Pokemon convention (e.g. California San Diego).AnswerAfter you beat the elite four and after you ask your mother with color is the Pokemon, she'll give you the mystic ticket Answertalk to a man in dewford cave you have to of defend the elite 4 Answerget a gameshark Answergo to the convention Answerget an action replay Answergo in a mart and fill these four words in to the questionnaire at the side: link together with all now you will have access to the mystery gift. Well 1 way to get is by the Action Replay. In a few months or so go to and it will show you how to get the Mystic Ticket (This ticket is for Lugia and/or Ho-Oh, not sure exactly which 1 of those OR BOTH!)Note: Crystal moved this to the answer of "How do you get the Mystic Ticket on Pokemon Emerald?"