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Q: Do you share Collins fear that we are becoming desensitized to war and violence because we t so often on TV?
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Do you share Collins fear that we are becoming desensitized to war and violence because we see it so often on TV?

violence is every where

What is a sentence for desensitize?

Exposure to violent images in the media can desensitize people to real-life acts of aggression.

What message does the movie The Hunger Games has?

the movie (and book) is basically a commentary on the way that society has become largely desensitized to the horrible things that happen in the world. We see things happen on reality TV all the time that are really awful but we don't bat an eye because we're becoming desensitized

How can the reader tell that Winston has become desensitized to the war?

The reader can tell Winston has become desensitized to the war when he starts to view the violence and destruction as routine events, showing little emotional reaction or shock. His language becomes casual when describing brutal acts, and he no longer feels the same sense of horror or sympathy for those affected by the war.

Do kids get into gang violence because of what they see on tv?

maybe. If they see a lot of that stuff on tv, and if they have the wrong friends that have the potential of becoming a gang or being assosiated with gang violence, then yes.

Does games make children violent?

Yes it does because kids watch violence over and over again, and they get used to it, so they learn to believe violence is not a big deal, and start becoming violent to kids in school.

Why are movies becoming more violent?

because no violence is often boring...go hug a tree

Why do you prevent violence?

Because violence is hurtful.

Why violence is not the easiest way to obtain goals?

because violence create violence and it create further violence and violence remain in act until it destoryed enverything

Why are bright colors difficult to see in a room lit by candles?

Your eyes have been desensitized because of the candles, so the bright colors affect you more.

What is it about video games that cause some people to become desensitized to violence?

they dont, normally. I think most of the people that were "desensitised to violence by games" were probably already slightly psychotic and the fact that they play violent games is a coincidence or because of their violent tendancys. (im not expert mind and am just speculating).

Why women are convicted for violent crimes?

Because violence is violence, whoever commits it. A crime of violence is not restricted to just the male gender.