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No. Vanessa Hudgens went out with Zac Efron

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Q: Does Hannah Montana go out with Zac Efron?
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Will you go out with Zac Efron?

yes he will go out with Hannah musticone and Rosie barker :)

Can you get tickets to see Zac Efron?

Yes you can get tikets to see Zac Efron but you have to go all the to america.

Dress up Zac efron?

Yes, if your question is can I dress up Zac Efron. There is so many games ont the interent where you get to dress up virtual Zac efron. Just go to and type in Zac Efron dress up. Real easy.

What team does Zac Efron go for?

The Wildcats LOL

Do Zac efron and vennesa hughes go together?

yes they did

Related questions

How long did Zac Efron go to jail?

Zac efron did not go to jail.

What nicknames does Zac Efron go by?

Zac Efron goes by Zefron.

Will you go out with Zac Efron?

yes he will go out with Hannah musticone and Rosie barker :)

Is makayla farley going to ever go out with Zac Efron?

No She won't ever go out with Zac Efron.

Who does Zac Efron go for FSU or Alabama?

zac efron go for FSU and Alabama he told me himself.

Where did Zac Efron go for a holiday?

zac efron recently went on holiday to Hawaii with vanessa

Are there any pictures of Dylan and Zac Efron?

yes i have a lot, you can go to google and type zac & Dylan ! (Zac Efron Lover)

Who dumped first Ashley Tisdale or Zac Efron?

zac efron ...because he wanted to go with vanessa

Can you get tickets to see Zac Efron?

Yes you can get tikets to see Zac Efron but you have to go all the to america.

Do they still go out?

it means does zac efron and vanessa hudgens still go out it means does zac efron and vanessa hudgens still go out

Do Zac Efron still go out with Gabriella?

No, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens broke up in December 2010.

Did Vanessa Hudgens go with Zac Efron?

Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron broke up in December 2010.