

Best Answer

Unless DiCaprio has publicly

announced that he has had his wisdom teeth out, we should not know. It would be a violation of patient privacy laws if anyone in his dental office were to disclose that information.

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Q: Does Leonardo DiCaprio has any fillings in his teeth?
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Leonardo DiCaprio is not married.

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Leonardo DiCaprio currently doesn't have any children. (:

Does Leonardo DiCaprio have any brothers?

He has one step-brother.

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Yes he was in Spongebob Squarepants the movie

What happens to your teeth when you eat ice?

it can break any fillings you have but besides that nothing!

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Because they are too light to be held in by gravity / our atmosphere.

What kind of injuries did Leonardo DiCaprio have in his skydiving accident?

He didn't have any injuries. I bet he'd never do that again!

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does Leonardo DiCaprio have any brothers and/or sisters No, Leonardo DiCaprio was an only child.

What video was Leonardo DiCaprio in with Madonna?

he never appeared in any videos ;)

When you get a filling what do the dentist do?

Fillings are materials dentists use to seal cavities after they clean out the decayed part of the tooth. They are also used to repair broken or cracked teeth. Fillings protect, preserve your teeth from expanding decay; they will also alleviate the teeth from any pain associated with this decay.

Does Leonardo DiCaprio live in new york?

Yes. In Manhattan. He lives on the corner of Amsterdam Ave and W 91st St on the upper west side across the street from Miyako Sushi. If you have any questions, comment, or concerns about Leonardo Dicaprio's humble abode please email me at Hope that helps!

What is Leonardo DiCaprio's political affiliation?

It has been suggested that film actor Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was a registered member of the Democratic Party in Los Angeles county by 2004. At any rate, he donated to, and publicly supported, the campaigns of Democratic presidential candidates Senator John Kerry in 2004 and to then Senator, now President Barack Obama in 2008.