Richie Havens's birth name is Richard Pierce Havens.
Richie Havens died on April 22, 2013 at the age of 72 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1941).
Guilford, ct
no, never married
Yes, he has. His name is Jürgen Richard Blackmore and he is guitarist like his father is.
Richie Havens's birth name is Richard Pierce Havens.
Richie Havens was born on January 21, 1941.
Richie Havens was born on January 21, 1941.
Richie Havens died on April 22, 2013 at the age of 72 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1941).
Richie Havens was a folk singer. He was the opening act of the Woodstock Festival in 1969. There is no information on whether he had a wife and children.
Richie Havens died on April 22, 2013, in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA of heart attack.
Guilford, ct
kidney cancer
no, never married
Gerald Merrick
Richie Havens