Zac Efron.zac efron
He is TOTALLY in love with Lauren Blanche
Yes, he does think she's pretty, but doesn't love her. He loves Vanessa out of Ashley and Vanessa, but I think Ashley and Zac make a really cute couple and so do Vanessa and Zac, but not Nikki and Zac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love you Ashley, and Vanessa, and Zac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie perry
No, he has a girlfriend....Vanessa :)
he will love mady
Yes zac cares for every one he noes!
Zac falls in love with Vanessa, his childhood friend and neighbor.
ZAC loves Vannessa Hudgens.
yes i love you zac efron
zac is in love with vanessa.yes zac did go out with Ashley tisdale for a while 2 years ago. but now zac and Ashley are close friends.
I love Zac Efron I love ZaccyKins/Zac Efron
Zac Efron.zac efron
If its Zac Efron,, He Loves Vanessa Hudgens
zac likes vannesa because i heard that vannesa broke up with Zac and Zac wants vannesa