Yes, Al and his second wife had one child together, a boy named Ryan.
Al Jarreau was born on March 12, 1940.
Al Jarreau was 76 years old when he died on February 12, 2017 (birthdate: March 12, 1940).
July 2, 2012
Al's father is frensh, his mother is creolish.
Alyssa Jarreau was born on October 7, 1963, in USA.
Al Jarreau's birth name is Alwyn Lopez Jarreau.
Al Jarreau was born on March 12, 1940.
This Time - Al Jarreau album - was created in 1980.
No. But then again, who is?
Al Jarreau was 76 years old when he died on February 12, 2017 (birthdate: March 12, 1940).
July 2, 2012
Al's father is frensh, his mother is creolish.
25 Million
Al Jarreau has a distinctive sound across many musical styles. He is one of the very few artists ever to receive best vocalist awards in the three genres of jazz, pop, and rhythm and blues.