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Q: Does the minister lead the coffin of the dead?
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What is a lead coffin?

A coffin made from lead.

What is a box for dead people?

A coffin or a casket.

Where does the Polish Prime Minister live?

In his coffin

Are the dead people buried with their coffin?

Yes, the dead are buried with their coffin. The body stays in the coffin regardless of whether the person is buried or cremated.

What was queen elizabeth's coffin made of?

For her funeral she was in a lead coffin (covered in purple velvet and a life-like effigy). But she must have had a double coffin (a coffin inside a coffin) because in the 1800's when her tomb was opened it was reported she had a wooden coffin so her wooden coffin must have been inside the lead one, although I cannot confirm this, its only an assumption. its also possible that she had a lead coffin for the funeral and her body was then moved to a wood one later. point being, she had one lead one, and one wood one.

What was in the coffin in number the stars?

There was clothes in the coffin, not a dead body. It was to help the Jews to escape.

What is the name of the box dead people get put in when they bury them?

coffin? sarcophegus? tomb?

What is inside an Egyptian coffin?

Inside an Egyptian coffin is a mummy and occasionally a bag of dead butterflies

What is the name of box for dead people?


Did Henry VIII blow up blow up when he was dead?

Pressure caused by gasses leaking from his dead corpse popped the lead coffin open before he was buried.

The maker doesn't want it the buyer doesn't use it and the user doesn't even see it What is it?

It's a Coffin. The maker does not want it because he's not dead. The buyer doesn't need it because he's not dead as well. And of course the user doesn't no if he's is using it because they are dead.

What is a coffin frame?

Dead mans picture frames. Or if your on about the ones people lie in - Crucifixs.