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Scooby Doo Shakira, Simon Cowell, Simon Pegg, Steven Gerard, Sarah Jessica Parker, Shania Twain, Stephen King, Salma Heyek, Sammy Sosa, Steven Spielberg, Sylebester Stalone, Snoop Dogg, Sandra Bullock, Sabrina Bryan, Sally Field, Sam Elliot, Sam Raimi, Sarah Berdhardt, Sarah Michelle Gelar, Sean Penn, Sergio Leaone, Shane West, Shannon Elizabeth, Sharon Stone, Shirley Bassy, Shirley Jones, Shelley Winters, Sidney Pointer, Sissy Spacek, Sonny Liston

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15y ago
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15y ago

There are several celebs called Sam Jones, Steven Jones and let us not forget the wife of Prince Edward (Earl of Wessex), Sophie Rhys-Jones.

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13y ago
  • Shirley Jones, (actress, mom in "The Partridge Family)
  • Star Jones (talk show host)
  • Samual L. Jackson, actor
  • Syleena Johnson, R & B singer
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Shawn Johnson

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16y ago

yes me sam jones

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14y ago

Steve Atwater (Denver Broncos)

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Steve ovett

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Q: Famous people beginning with S
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