. . . loveable." - spoken by a patron of Underdog in his disguise as a shoeshine boy .
Not if youre a champ
well it depends on which Egyptian god youre talking about and which earthbound youre talking about but generally i would say no
ummmmmmmmm deleat youre game
Its because you got a European Game here is the converter to make it EU OR US go on this Website read the instructions for doing it here is the website: http://nhahtdh.webs.com/ Many Thanks, Mike. Ps: please send this to youre friends who haves too EU OR JP Games to make it US OR EU
congradulations! youre pregnant
do the following: - go to settings - go to call - go to send caller id - choose either i. set by network ii. yes iii. no thanks
nothing really a hero isnt other people knowing youre a hero, its you knowing your a hero thanks for asking! Talent and courage.
nothing really a hero isnt other people knowing youre a hero, its you knowing your a hero thanks for asking! Talent and courage.
yes that's a very good raichu!!! youre raichu is best copared to mine what lv is youre raichu??? well my raichus lv 100 actually thanks for subscibing!!!!(:
aurevoir (if youre saying bye) par(if youre saying by like if youre writing a story)
check youre answer
if your dating youre not very close to him/her if youre in a realtionship than youre very close to him /her
In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.
No, of course not. Unless there is some specific legal bar to communications, you can talk to anyone you choose.
youre the only one for me
Amendment VIII
If youre starving, yes If youre about to explode, no