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Q: Front of the neck and chin?
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Related questions

Is chin a noun?

Yes, "chin" is a noun. It refers to the bottom part of a person's face below their mouth, including the front of the neck.

What style neck line with double chin?

a high neck to discise it.

A man raises his chin to shave his neck This action is?

Hyperextension of the neck

Is rolling your neck bad for you?

No if you do it the right way. You line up your neck with your spine. Then, you put your chin to your chest. While keeping your chin to chest, roll your neck to the side. You are not supposed to roll your neck to the back. Roll your neck back to the center while still keeping your chin to your chest. Then you do the same thing just to the opposite side.

What rest on your neck your chin or head?

a pillow

When was Michelle Chin born?

Michelle Chin was born in Great Neck, in New York, USA.

What is the part of the body between the chest and the lips?

Neck, chin.

What is the hawaiian word for neck and chin?

Aloha: Neck - A-i [A-ee] sometimes [ah-ee] but not as correct Chin - Auwae [ow-vway] sometimes [ow-vay] sometimes [ow-way].

What is the space between your chin and your chest called?

The space between your chin and your chest is called your Neck. The neck is the part of a person's body that connects the head to the rest of the body, and also links the spinal cord to the brain.

How do you grow a lemmy?

Let your face grow, then shave your chin and neck

What is a wimple in medieval times?

A wimple is a cloth which covers the head and is worn around the neck and chin, worn by nuns in certain orders.

How does a chin exerciser work?

Chin exerciser works by putting exercise on the muscles around your neck, causing them to tighten. The muscles that get put to work gradually recede hanging neck lines for fast, efficient results.