No. Bella Thorne is 16 years old. There have been no official reports that she is pregnant.
Bella Thorne
Bella thorne no doubt
Bella Thorne is currently dating Gregg Sulkin.
Yes, Bella Thorne does hate kids and kids hate Bella Thorne. I think everyone hates Bella Thorne. If I saw her, I would whip a large rock at her face.
No. Bella Thorne is 16 years old. There have been no official reports that she is pregnant.
Bella Thorne
i think not but she has been to paris
Bella Thorne's mother is Tamara Thorne
There have been rumors that Cody was going out with Bella Thorne. But the truth is, Cody said that he and Bella were just friends. And Bella already has a boyfriend.The name wasTristan Klier maybe cause it says in bella thorne facebook
no Bella thorne does not have a tattoo
Bella Thorne was not adopted.
She has been on 15 shows.
Bella thorne of course
bella thorns hair has always been a red head