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I have seen visions of things... and it would make me feel so weird during the vision, like a dreamy state. Then I would write it down to see what the heck I was thinking only to find it come true later on. I driving when it happened one time. There is one that I saw several weeks ago that really disturbs me, and what I hope is that this kind of stuff is not written in stone, that is only a "could be" like a warning, hey, your life is headed this way. Do you want this to happen? Take a look at your life quick, because you are headed for this particular train wreck. Does anyone else see things like this... and I am no "mystic"... really not at all, but a down to earth type not involved with anything that would prompt such visions. An overly sensitive person? But I can't explain away the visions coming true... this stuff is nuts.

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